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Meditation and Healing Energy Retreat with Swami Gyankirti

We are so excited and delighted to invite you for a weekend of powerful healing and meditation with Swami Gyankirti at the Great Mahakala.

In this retreat, Swami Gyankirti brings his deep insight, empowering presence, and healing energy, to create a unique environment for Inner Awareness Development, empowerment, healing, and calm.

We live stressful lives which cause us to disconnect from ourselves as spiritual beings. Through spiritual practices, we can experience this essential re-connection to spirit and grace.

In Swami Gyankirti’s words, “Meditation is the greatest medicine. It is the most direct method of access to your own interior and the vastness of your being. Meditation opens a connection between yourself and the Whole and allows you to expand into the potency of your own Divine Nature. It is through meditation that you grow to know yourself.”

Participants will be guided through various techniques and processes to facilitate deep relaxation. Sound, breath, body movement, and touch will be used as instruments for healing, energy generation, and meditation.

April 4-6, 2025

Friday 4pm - Sunday 4pm

Residential and Non-Residential Healing and Meditation Retreat

“Surrendering to Grace is an attitude, based upon a very simple and rudimentary understanding. The attitude is contingent upon the understanding that whether we are aware of it or not we are always in Grace, because the way I see it, Grace is just another word for Love. We live, we move, and we have our existence in the stuff we call Grace. A Course in Miracles states it perfectly: “Spirit is in a state of grace forever. Your reality is only spirit. Therefore you are in a state of grace, forever.”

“True empowerment and joyous living comes through an increased ability to live a reality that is compatible with your true nature. Living such a life means being able to dream. It means being able to visualize. And it means being able to create a reality for oneself that is consistent with these dreams and the mental and emotional input that one programs into the bio-spiritual unit. “

“We alone are the creators of our reality. We alone can get in the way, block and interfere with the creation of that reality. Surrendering to Grace means being able to drop the anxiety and trust that the Universe that has given rise to our very existence will always take care.”


Swami Gyankirti has combined the heart of many ancient, traditional African spiritual healing methods, empowering energy work, meditation and non-traditional and modern religions to produce a unique universal blend of teachings. Under Swami Gyankirti’s guidance, Healing, Emowering Energy Work, Meditation and Traditional African Spiritual Healing Methods provide the essential foundation for Spiritual Empowerment and communion with the Divine.

Swami Gyankirti’s journey in healing and spirituality began over 45 years ago.  Living in an ashram for many years, the Swami learned and eventually taught yoga, and became committed to the practice & teaching of meditation, holistic medicine, and various forms of energy work. In 1981, Swami Gyankirti established The Medissage Centers for Health Growth and Transformation to serve and heal the lives of people from all races, religions, cultures and walks of life.

Swami Gyankirti’s vision is essentially a holistic one, serving to enlighten and empower mankind spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically; his approach is a “whole-body” approach.  As with all Healing work the aim is essentially to create oneness/wholeness.

Swamiji’s sessions achieve this primarily by generating and circulating amounts of energy greater than what is normally utilized within the vessel commonly called the body. This energy is then balanced, leaving one in a unique healing space totally distinct from where one was before. The New comes, cellular processes of regeneration and memory are stimulated, ego dissolves, you move out of the way and spirit happens, healing happens, oneness happens, wholeness happens, peace arises, love arises, the awareness of silence arises.

For over 45 years, his deep reservoir of Knowledge, Wisdom, & Healing has changed the lives of thousands around the world.  He has served globally in such diverse places as Norway, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Israel, The United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, India, Nepal, Liberia, Ghana, The Gambia, Rwanda, Burundi, Zaire (The Congo), Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Hawaii, and Malawi.

We invite you to spend a weekend to nourish yourself with the silence inside you and around you. We will be doing a full weekend of meditation and healing, led by Swami Gyankirti. You are welcome to check your cell phone at the door and take a full digital detox! Everything about the weekend is created to support you on your inner journey.

“In your Silence, when there are no words, no language, nobody else present, you are getting in tune with existence for the first time, and you will be an individual. You will have the taste of freedom.”

  • Osho

If you are someone who is wishing to deepen their meditation practice or is new to meditation, but craving support to explore your inner world, this retreat is for you!

The Program

We will start on Friday at 5pm with Osho Kundalini Meditation, followed by an evening group Healing Energy Meditation with Swami Gyankirti and then a vegetarian homemade dinner.

On Saturday, there will be 4 sessions with Swami Gyankirti beginning at 8am. On Sunday, there will be 3 sessions and we will end at 4pm.

The Venue

The Great Mahakala is a retreat center specifically created for meditation and carries its own healing energy to support you. Each day there will be several guided meditation and healing sessions which will build on each other to bring you into a deeper experience of yourself. Between sessions, there will be lovingly prepared vegetarian meals taken together in community.

Day and overnight participants are welcome. Participants are also welcome to do just one day of the retreat as their time permits, although for the deepest experience, we suggest doing the entire retreat. See below.



FRIDAY, April 4 from 4pm - SUNDAY, April 6 at 4pm



  • 3 Day Meditation Program

  • 2 Night’s Accommodations

  • 6 Plant-based meals

  • Tea and Spring Water

PRIVATE ROOM - $1,495 (Zelle)

SHARED ROOM (with one other person) - $895 (Zelle)

DAY PARTICIPANT - $495 (Zelle)

Zelle payments may be made to Credit cards please call 305-203-9985.

DAY PARTICIPANTS a la carte by day

Friday, April 4 5pm - 9pm $100 (includes dinner)
Saturday, April 5 8:30am - 8pm $250 (includes 3 meals)
Sunday, April 6 8:30am - 4pm $250 (includes 2 meals)

Some Financial Aid available to those in need.

Cancellation Policy

  • 100% Refund 30+ Days before the Retreat Start Date,

  • 50% Refund 15-29 days before the Retreat Start Date

  • 0% Refund 0-14 days before the Retreat Start Date

For more information, please call 305-203-9985, or email

Payments may be made via Zelle to

Credit Card payments are subject to a 3.5% additional charge.


March 29

Community Organic Vegan Dinner

April 13

Mind, Mental States & Meditation Day Retreat