Our lives unfold in similar cycles as the seasons. Like the seed, we encounter periods of hardship, loss, and even seemingly insurmountable challenges. These experiences, though painful, can often serve as the crucible for personal growth.
Through the Lent and Easter Season, we shed outdated versions of ourselves, embrace resilience, and uncover our hidden strengths. This "death" paves the way for rebirth, a renewed perspective, and unexpected blooms of potential.
This "Holy Saturday" retreat, with Revs. Juan and Pam, creates an experience of unveiling your Divine within using Unity Principles merged with the book "The Stations of the Cosmic Christ" written by Bishop Marc Andrus, and spiritual theologian Matthew Fox.
This perfect Easter-time experience will take place at The Great Mahakala Retreat Center in the Brickell (Miami) area.
The full experience will include:
Your own "Stations of the Cosmic Christ" illustrated guide cards ($20 value)
Guided meditations, self-reflection, and insights through group sharing.
Times of connecting with nature.
A healthy vegan lunch (included with enrollment).
🌳 We will also plant 1 tree for each paid enrollment as part of our Planet Promise.
If you have any questions, please email Rev. Pam Gutierrez at pam@unityonthebay.org